I have just published a set of 1o New Conditions of Business, to help entrepreneurs recognize some really important trends that are most likely affecting their startup whether they know it or not.
They are all very important and complex. I don’t begin to think that my introductions are the best in the world, nor is the list necessarily complete.
I invite readers to review what I have written, comment, add, or suggest improvements to the set of ten topics, which are:
- New Economics: As If People Mattered;
- New Power: Values Trump Money and Position;
- New Ways of Working: Wherever: Whenever: However;
- New Financial Risk: Wealth and Income Inequality;
- New Corporate Forms: All Enterprises Are Social;
- New Measurement of Wellbeing: GDP Does Not Chart Progress;
- New Creative Freedom: Patronage Replaced by Independence:
- New Ecology of Business: Growth Comes in Many Forms;
- New Electronics: Applied Nano Science;
- New Geography of Megacities: the Challenge of Urbanization.
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