eBusinessPlan.com was conceived as a game changer and so it will prove to be.
In 2006, James Endicott was asked to be a Director of the Business Plan Competition at Brigham Young University. In this role he worked with hundreds of young entrepreneurs working to launch and build successful companies.
James soon found one of the most important keys to winning the national competitions and getting funding from Angel Investors, Venture Capital Investors, and even Banks was to have a Winning Business Plan.
James realized there did not exist a web based tool to build, manage, and promote business plans. So, in 2012 eBusinessPlan.com was born.
Initially I was very skeptical that it would be flexible enough to cope with my very particular views on making successful and compelling business plans. Now I am working with it, I see how amazing a platform it is. It is fully flexible.
A business plans need to be not only the way to evaluate your ideas for a startup and later to use it as a benchmark. It also must make an strong emotional appeal to readers, by showing how your value proposition will change the world and through your business model making clear that you are the person or team to deliver results.
While I get would-be entrepreneurs going with a value proposition and business model, they will need a business plan anyway. While I have several tools to help them with their plan, I am convinced that this new tool will save them a lot of trouble. Main Street banks will automatically ask for a business plan if you are seeking a loan, so better be prepared. This tool will save you a lot of trouble.
How can it be offered FREE? Because eBusinessPlan partners with related businesses who will offer them commissions for good introductions. So when you make your plan public, these partners have the opportunity to consider working with you.