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Crowdfunding Goes Over the Edge

ubuntu edge

While not hitting it’s Indiegogo crowdfunding target of $32 million, the Cannonical Ubuntu Edge smart phone project and its Ubuntu open source OS, raised $12.5 million and whammed its way into the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest sum raised by crowdfunding so far.

I believe that this is a remarkable landmark, despite so many geekish people lamenting the campaign falling about $19 million short of its target. If we spool back even 12 months, nobody would have said that the crowd would stump up such a large sum. I believe that this landmark indicates how startup funding has changed for ever.


PLEASE NOTE: There is tons of useful stuff on Startup Owl, a site that’s been going for a dozen years. So keep browsing, but know that the founder, Will, now devotes most of his time and energy to his new website that you should definitely visit:

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