Anyone who lives in striking distance of Austin Texas, should book into my startup storytelling workshop at Tech Ranch Austin–10 till noon at 9111 Jollyville Road, 78759, on December 15, 2012.
Why? Because getting a startup on to the agenda of investors, lenders, customers, partners or establishing the brand is an uphill struggle. This workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs tip the balance in their favor.
We have all tried power point presentations, elevator pitches, business plans, videos, and the whole panoply of communication techniques and still fallen flat.
It really helps dazzle the audience if you can reveal something of yourself and you abilities, when you tell stories that illustrate the problem, make clear your solution and the payoff when the audience takes action on what and who you are.
If you can’t make it, you can always go to and visit the storytelling page for a leg up.